The Call to Egypt
I first heard the call to Egypt years ago but it just seemed like it was impossible for more than one reason. Early this year, February 2024, one of my dear friends called me saying “Leslee I had a vision of a group of women singing in the temples of Egypt.” I said “YES!” I felt it in my entire body before she directly asked the question about me wanted to go. I didn’t know how, I didn’t know when, I didn’t know anything other than how deeply I felt the YES. So I honored the yes by speaking it right in that moment. I let myself feel it even though I didn’t know anything else other than, YES! Over the next few months this friend and I began to explore the logistics.
Originally I was feeling up for planning and organizing the trip—the travel, hotels, transportation, itinerary. Then after doing more research about Egypt I would have been lying to myself if I said it felt comfortable to take on that responsibility, even with my experience with putting together travel plans for groups. During this time of research I “happened” upon a podcast that had a guest on their show, Jessica Zwaig. Jessica had just released her second published book, and had gone to Egypt the year prior. In her book she discusses much of the codes she was activated with while in Egypt. I started listening to her podcast religiously, almost obsessively, and started a bookclub with a group of women to read her book together. It felt so activating listening to her experiences, like I was energetically on fire. I LOVED IT! I felt the YES to Egypt more activated within me which felt amazing to recognize and create space for. I still didn’t know how, or when, or with who exactly but I knew what I felt and it still felt like a full yes!
It was around this time I talked with my friend, sharing that I didn’t actually want to take on the responsibility of planning Egypt trip. When I checked in with how I truly felt, I became aware of my desire to align with a group or facilitator that would take us on a journey through Egypt. I had the desire to feel surrendered and not need to worry about the plans and times and structure of the journey so I could more fully receive the medicine offered. It was not two days later that Jessica Zwaig posted on her Instagram story about Sakred Journeys, who she went on her Egypt trip with, was going to be journeying again through Egypt at the end of October through November. It was about a month away. I sent the info to my friend and we were totally geeking out about how amazing it looked and felt even thinking about going with this group. So I contacted the facilitator and vortex creator, Joey McCune, to discuss details.
My friend, as generous as she is, was considering taking a group of 8 women on this trip to Egypt. WHAT?!?! I know! We all need friends like her and I for one, desire to be that friend to those in my life. Anyway, as the deadline for commitment approached, it ended up being that my friend felt she wasn’t in alignment with the journey but still felt the desire to financially support my journey through Egypt with this group and I SAID YES!!!! I still have chills and it still bring tears to my eyes thinking about. What a stunning gift to be offered and what a beautiful opportunity to receive something so grandiose.
I also need to mention that between this time, February through September, I was actively connecting with my YES to go to Egypt and through that process I was being shown things in my life that were out of alignment and making adjustments. One of those things was addiction. My addition to working, working out, disassociating from negative emotions, negative coping skills, blaming others, additions to morning drinks and stimulants, binge eating, actions to victim thought patterns that made me feel good about feeling bad. I had to address these things and really be honest with myself about where I was. The really cool thing was, connecting with Egypt, connecting to something that would require growth, required me to evolve on my way to fully receiving it. I can honestly say, I don’t believe it would have worked out for me to go if I didn’t address the things in my life as they began to surface.
Soon enough the deposit was made, the airfare was booked and in a months time I would be on my way to Egypt. The second the plans were solidified I felt a massive internal transition and a deeper responsibility to address things in my life with more honesty. It felt like magic, intense magic. Unhealthy coping skills I had once turned to no longer worked for me, not even for a moment. I was being asked to accept myself more deeply that I had ever done before. I signed up for a poetry class with Chelsea Diane, Poems and Power. This helped me address things I wouldn’t have known how to address without her specific medicine. I began to write often. Poetry began to feel like a way for my higher self to speak to me in a language only I needed to understand. I kept following the YES every time I felt it. My YES and my NO continued to feel more and more obvious. I began spending more time with myself and became more and more aware of the thoughts, the feelings, the intensity. It was all part of a deeper practice in the balance between presence and surrender.